Monday, February 21, 2011

Pain of losing someone

According to Wikipedia, Pain is "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."
Pain to me has no definition because it is like my world is coming to an end and I do not know how to stop it. There are different types of pain, e.g. body pain, menstrual pain, chronic pain, and pain of losing someone.

Losing someone very close is an extremely painful experience. People find it very tough to cope up with the realization that they will no longer be able to see someone in particular who was very close to the heart. Heart aches or should we say it feels as if heart is breaking. Such deep emotional feelings often manifest themselves in physical symptoms of heaviness and tightness in your body structure. The other parts of body seem like reacting in a way that they want to protect your aching heart.

When people lose their close relatives I feel bad and just say sorry without knowing how they feel. I started realizing or feeling people's pain after I lost my grandma and cousin the same day. The day my Grandma died it was as if my world was coming to an end, I just spoke to her like 3minutes ago and I got a phone call from my mum saying my grandma had passed on. I was in shock and did not know how to pour out my pain, I was just screaming and wailing because I just spoke with her some minutes ago and now they said she has gone forever. I thought to myself ‘is this how people die without saying goodbye?’ I had to leave work immediately because I was not mentally stable then. When I got home I heard my 13 year old cousin had also passed on too, she could not bear the pain of losing my grandma because she was very close to her, and she died of shock the same day.*sobs*

Moments of grief are experienced by one and all. Hardly few people can ever claim to have not experienced this feeling at all. The issue to be tackled here is how soon we can get over with those painful feelings of grieve? These heartbreaking moments don’t need to exist for a long time because longer they last, more we feel like a part of us to the monster named grief.

Two months after my grandma and cousin passed on I lost another of my cousin again, I really cannot say the cause of her death but I know God knows best. It was sad and painful because it was just few days after her 22nd birthday and she just finished her law school where she had a 1st class and she was the best student of her set. She was also the only girl of her mother (my aunt).

The trick is to realize and identify the feelings of grief. Once you become aware of the changing taking place in your body and inside, you are bound to change sooner or later. Not realizing your own feelings can make things worse and more painful. Losing someone close is definitely a life-changing event. The world does not seem the same. Deeper you go inside, more aware you will be and easier it will be for you to come out of the feeling of loss and restlessness.

Sorry to bore you with my story, I just wanted you to try and understand people in pain or grief, it is not easy losing someone close. Just take out time and talk to people bereaved, get closer to them and share you moments with them…

May God Almighty grant the remaining of us on earth long life and for  our deceased one may God grant them Heaven. Amen :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Action Shall be Judged According to your intention-Hadith 1.

Two men were walking on a street when a woman crossing the road asked to be carried across as she had injured her leg. One of the men agreed to carry her while the other reprimanded him for touching her saying its forbidden to touch a woman who is not related to you. The  man ignored him and carried the woman across and forgot about it. A little while later his friend told him he should not have helped the woman across as in doing so he had committed a sin. The man calmly turned around and told his friend "I did what I had to do and have forgotten about it but you are still thinking of her in your thoughts in an unpious manner. That is a sin".

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Continuation of The career girl...

As years go by so did my passion for law increase… I was always reading articles and law journals even though I did not understand what they meant.
My senior year in Art department was very interesting, different courses and interesting topics. My first year in senior school was intriguing, I did some very motivating courses like history, government, literature … History was my favorite course because it drew me closer to a continuous, systematic description of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person etc.
Government, also one of my favorite courses because it talks about the form or system of rule by which a state, community is governed…I can remember vividly my best topic was The 3 arms of government… loool, we actually formed a song for it back then in school…
Literature was also one of my favorite, I liked my Literature teacher. He was tall and cool, he always wanted us to learn new things and also to put it into practice. Literature to me was writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography and essays…
It is good to know your weakness and your strength, my weakness was mathematics but I always managed to pass through it… I worked hard on my strength and it helped me all the way through my senior year.
My last year in senior school was the most exciting year in school. I made new friends, got closer to people in my set and got to know their different desire and passion… I had a slum book back then in school, a book people wrote the name of their best friends, the university they wanted to go to and the career they wanted to pursue… Most of what we all wrote in the slum book didn’t happen. Some people wrote that they wanted to become a doctor, a pilot, a lawyer and so on … but they did something else while some people still accomplished their dreams…
After my senior year in school, my mum asked me what next and I turned to her and said ‘I want to pursue my legal career’… That was how I started my legal career…J

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Career girl...

Hey people, this is kind of new to me so I will just freestyle and make mistakes cause practice makes perfect. On my title the career girl. O yea the career girl. I decided to use the word girl because career is nurtured from birth or better still from childhood.
When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a doctor or a nurse because I believed they save lives but as I grew older my passion grew stronger. My passion to become a doctor ended when I did
 summer school before my senior year began. I realized I did not do well in one of the core courses that was required in Science class. The so-called course was physics. Physics was my worst course during summer school. When I started senior year I went to Art department, the department people felt or believe it was for dullards and unserious people, but that was when I changed my beloved childhood dream of becoming a doctor.
Art department was cool, not that bad as people made it sound. I learnt a lot and then I started building an imaginary career in my mind.
I read one book that talked about girls being abused, maltreated and undefended. And I thought to myself what can I do for these people, how can I help them. I always prayed for them then. So one day, we where asked in class 'what do you want to become in future?' I said I wanted to become a Newscaster and my sit partner said she wanted to be a Lawyer and our teacher was like very interesting and a beautiful career to choose. I pondered for a while and when I went home for vacation I asked my mum what she thinks I will become in future and she said 'a Lawyer'...That was how The career girl started.